Yes, I know this is not exciting - but at least it’s short. It's here because I’ve spent too many years clearing up messes because people are not clear about important matters.
By engaging with this website you agree:
Not to copy any element of it, for example its design or content. If you like it, please get in touch and I’ll tell you who helped.
That if we then work together it will be on the basis of the contract governing our work and not this website. In legal terms, that means you agree that you haven’t relied on any representations or warranties outside any written terms of the contract governing the coaching.
That after reading this website, as in coaching, whatever you choose to do is 100% your decision. You agree that you are solely responsible for creating and implementing your own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, decisions, choices, actions and results. You understand that coaching is not counselling, therapy, substance abuse treatment or legal advice and is not a substitute for them. It does not prevent, diagnose, or treat any mental illness or other medical condition. You agree that it is your responsibility to seek other professional advice if you think you would benefit from it.
You agree that at no point will I be liable for your actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect results of reading this website or from coaching. You agree that I shall not be liable for damages of any kind and that my liability is limited to the amount paid for coaching you.
You agree that English and Welsh law applies to these terms and that the English courts have exclusive jurisdiction.